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Bill Sherman

Born in Philadelphia PA. Local schools / Temple U... M.A.(5/64), Ph.D.(2/68), SUNY Buffalo. LANDSCAPE OF CONTEMPORARY CINEMA (co-author, Leon Lewis),1967; short film, MAXIMUS TO HIMSELF, based on Charles Olson poem (co-director, Theodora Cichy), original in Natl. Archives, BFI. Lecturer, U. of Hull, 67-68. Documentary play, The Case of Ezra Pound, published 1970 (Anglo-Welsh Review). Resigned tenured post, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in 1972, and began to write full-time. A dozen books/chapbooks of poetry published inc., THE HORSES OF GWYDDNO GARANHIR(76), HEART ATTACK and SPANISH SONGS(81), MERMAIDS parts I and II(86), SHE WANTS TO GO TO PAGO-PAGO(86), GLIMPSES OF INDIA and NEPAL(88), TAHITIAN JOURNALS(90), FROM THE SOUTH SEAS(97), THE MANA OF THE MOAI(Spanner #41, 04). Anthology appearances include NEW POETRY 3 (1977), THE SPANUAL (77), FOOLS HOUSE(80), MATIERES ANGLETERRE(84), FABER BOOK OF MOVIE VERSE(93), THE STILL HORIZON(02), IN THE COMPANY OF POETS(03). Numerous essays/reviews published in U.S. and UK. Editor-publisher, Branch Redd Review (poetry journal) & Branch Redd Books. early archive @ Beinecke


After Discharge From Royal Free

This is what's buried behind "Lufkin's Diner" - The repressed of my life: In the dream I had said To the organizers of the poetry reading Bob Hogg should read And so a special invitation Was sent via my phone call To him, though it was his wife Showed me the correct number But there was one Who disdained his forthcoming Appearance - someone From Buffalo perhaps - And when I went to join the others At the table of poets there was no room for me Awakening I knew not for a sec Where I was.  Then, realizing It must have been a dream, There was no reading in Canada I was in London Out of the hospital where I was For three days after my fall In my flat, hurting my ribs And hitting my eye on the trunk Where my Archive is. Vomiting, calling the NHS, Ambulance at 2 A.M. Blockage in bowel reactivated (After surgery years ago in Brooklyn For incarcerated hernia) "Abdominal adhesions" How make it "real" Write the dream As my great friend from Buffalo

Jeremy Taylor might have Awaiting death, afraid, Almost 80 now, in time of Covid Isolated from it In the "contagious hospital" Where at least there are people To look after you Tell me, Bob Hogg, What is organic?

2020-06-06 or thereabouts

Photo of Bill Sherman taken in Hampstead UK, by Anabela Lopes 2019


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